Monday, March 25, 2013

Breezy St. Geezy

Since Trev and I have been living apart the last 3 months (he is doing an internship with PwC), we decided we needed a get-a-way weekend in sunny St George.  We hit the road early Friday morning; it was good to have time to just talk, sing our favorite songs, stop at a random petting zoo, and just be goofy with Trev.  We had a change of plans about 2 hours before arriving in Zions and decided we should try to find a camp ground before they were all filled up.  We decided to try the beautiful Snow Canyon State Park.  We walked into the office and were literally 1 minute too late.  The guy in front of us just so happened to get the last camp site!!! Our hearts sunk and we just looked at each other like what now?!  Luck turned our way when we heard that they just got a call and the scouts had cancelled their reservation so the overflow was empty.  We were able to pick the spot right by the fire pit.  We set up the tent, ate lunch, and headed for the Barrel Roll bike trail in Santa Clara.  
  We are pretty new to the whole mountain bike scene, but we love it!  This trail was perfect.  We had to walk some parts... we weren't quite ready for the whole jumping off rocks and riding next to cliffs thing...but we had fun on the parts we could handle.  There were gorgeous views from the peak.  

After our ride we went back to our camp and cooked up some yummy carne asada over the fire.  After dinner, we realized we were exhausted and ready to hit the sack.  Just as we were trying to fall asleep the wind picked up and started blowing our tent.  It was blowing so hard that the stakes were pulling up and the wall was touching our faces!  After two hours of this we both realized we weren't going to be able to sleep.  It was one of those horrible moments when you realize you either lay in your warm sleeping bag but don't get any sleep all night, or you sleep in the car.  You guessed it!  We quickly threw everything in the tent, laid down the back seats and climbed in the car with our legs in the trunk.  It wasn't the comfiest, but at least it was quiet!
We decided to have a relaxing Saturday and just enjoy the day together.  We went for a ride through Snow Canyon, visited the temple, ate some delicious Indian food, went shopping, and hit the golf course. 
We hit an awesome diner, Hermies, on the way home and couldn't have been more happy to snuggle up in a warm, quiet bed.  All in all it was quite the adventure.  We learned that somehow things always work out.  We always have so much fun in everything we do.  Sometimes you have to just roll with the punches and keep a positive attitude.

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