Sunday, April 5, 2015

Because He Lives

Today is Easter Sunday and I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Gratitude for the gospel, the atonement, my family, the beauty of the Earth and so grateful we have living prophets.  #becausehelives has been a trending topic and I love reading the blessings people observe because He lives.  I have put some thought into that hashtag. #becausehelives our lives have true purpose. I know Christ atoned for us. I know he rose. I know we can have eternal joy and happiness with our families. I am most grateful for the knowledge of eternal life. I love knowing that if we endure faithfully I can be with Trev, Liam, and the rest of our families for all time and eternity. Without this knowledge I believe I would still be happy. They are pretty great after all, but knowing that Christ was resurrected and knowing we will be also makes this life so much more important. It gives purpose to my every day actions. I hope and pray that Trev and I will raise a family in such a way that they too know that because He lives we can have a forever family. Happy Easter!

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